Monday, July 8, 2013

Hello and apologies!

I have been neglecting this blog... But it's better to keep going than just give up right?

Now that I have all my paintings I've done in the past year in an imgur album, I believe it's fair just to link you to it! Especially since it's been over a month since the last update. Expect sketches coming soon because I haven't done much painting since the school year has ended.

Art album here

That's all for now~
(I'm sorry once again OTL)

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Hello again everyone,

I hope to update every week. An active blog is a good blog! Though of course I do realize there's probably not a good chance I'll have a new painting every time, I can at least manage a doodle or something. This is my first blog so I'm just playing it by ear, y'know? For a little while I'm just going to be showing paintings I've done before, but as soon as those run out, look forward to new pieces, creation posts, etc.

For today, a quick still life study I did in roughly an hour and a half a few months ago: completed in acrylic.

Looks like that's all for now!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Hello everyone!!

It's finally summer and I can put some time into getting this blog off the ground as well as doing some more paintings!

So to start off, I might as well introduce myself. I am Carol-Anne, but I go by Calyta on the internet. Calyta was formed as the combination of the roots calyx (cup of flowers - think minor calyx) + vita (life). Yay for making usernames from roots in an anatomy textbook!

I classify myself as an amateur painter, I just learned how to use acrylic, watercolor, oil and egg tempura in the past 9 months, so look forward to artistic growth as this blog progresses!

That's all I really have, so thank you for reading and here's a link to a painting to begin this adventure: One houe self portrait study done in watercolor.

That's all for now!
<3 Calyta